The Yielded Believer

Reflection Friday

I came across this on Pinterest, and it really caught my attention. It reminded me of the classic “Where do you see yourself in five years?” question. Growing up, it was so easy to answer, but as adults, many struggle to articulate their purpose. So many people have no idea why they were born, and that lack of clarity is leading to deep misalignment in life.

The gap between the little girl and the woman I see in the mirror is all a matter of time. While writing my book about time, I realised that many people live under the illusion of “What will be, will be.” They drift from one season to the next without a real hunger to fulfill their purpose, believing that someday, like magic, a fairytale godmother will appear and hand them a perfectly laid-out path. But guess what? That’s a lie.

Let’s take a moment to really look at the picture. The little girl is even wearing oversized heels just like so many women today who insist on buying the wrong shoe size (but that’s a conversation for another day, lol). The big shoes symbolise that, at her age, all she can do is dream she hasn’t matured enough to walk that walk yet. But the woman in the mirror? She’s wearing them perfectly, fully capable of not just walking but running in them. So, aren’t you old enough too? It’s time to step into your purpose and start walking.

Now, let’s take a moment to reflect. The decisions you made this week how many of them contributed to your purpose? How many steps did you take in your purpose shoes toward the next level?

A couple of weeks ago, I was thinking about The Yielded Center, and a powerful realisation hit me: what’s inside of me remains hidden until I choose to reveal it. “You don’t know what I carry!” Yes, darling, we don’t know and we never will until you show us. Let’s stop acting like people are taking us for granted when, in reality, we’ve never presented anything solid to begin with. What you carry is already within you. Now, it’s time to reveal it. We only see what you choose to show us. I cannot guess that you can sing until you actually start singing.

Anything we spend time on that doesn’t contribute to our purpose is a waste, and before long, we’ll find ourselves praying for the restoration of the years we wasted not the locusts, but us.

So, take a moment and look within. What is the unique blueprint you carry for the world?

I’ve made my decision The Yielded Center will be global, and I will take the necessary steps to make it happen. I refuse to limit my writing to just my family or a small community. I will study, refine my skills, and present a vision that is undeniably great and excellent.

Now, what will you do about your purpose?

Remember, the only difference between the little girl and the woman in the picture is time and time is not a luxury we can afford to waste.

Selah. ( See you on Monday)

By Vanessa Moonkie

•Faith-filled🌼 •Love-driven🌺 •Spirit-led🌸
Heyyyyyyy ! I am V OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. Welcome to the Yielded Center. Through my reflections on faith, my meditations on scripture and intimacy with Holy Spirit, l aim to inspire my readers to cultivate an authentic transformative walk with God. We yield by living a spirit led life.
Do you desire this? Then keep showing up here and let’s get practical.
And hey, God loves you. 💞 [ We laugh and love here]

3 replies on “Reflection Friday”

Reading this just made me to come to a realization that Im not taking my purpose as serious as I am, “Have you taken any steps this week that bring you closer to your purpose”, I always assume that since our purposes are from God we do not have to do much about it but follow His lead, now i realize that I myself should follow His lead while expanding and God expects me to put my purpose into action, not once but daily. Thankyou for the building words sis.❤️

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