This is the day the lord has made! So what do we do?
We rejoice.
“A joyful, cheerful heart brings healing to both body and soul. But the one whose heart is crushed struggles with sickness and depression.”
Proverbs 17:22 TPT
Joy is a choice. Think about it. If I wake up and decide, today I’m choosing joy, then no matter what happens, I hold on to it. If someone tries to upset me, I don’t have to take the bait. I am very conscious of my decision to be joyful. I choose to not let frustration in or let my joy slip away just to prove a point. Guarding your heart means protecting what comes in and what goes out. So, no, I won’t trade my joy for an argument. I won’t allow anyone to Bluetooth me to their bad mood. I’m holding onto joy. Say it with me: I am a joyful person!
Lack of joy can actually lead to things like depression and even some illnesses. Imagine getting sick just because you refused to embrace joy! But here’s the good news choosing joy can turn things around. If we make joy our daily choice, depression loses its grip. Want some practical ways to choose joy? Well, this is straight from my own experience , welcome to Vanessa’s Edition!
- Laughter . Eh I laugh o. I don’t play. I laugh because even God laughs. Being too serious is not gonna help you with anything. Laugh a little (or a lot), it makes life so much lighter!
- Dance. I like to shut myself in my room and really to my own private HC. Especially when I’m angry or sad, l play music and dance it out. Works out ALL THE TIME!
- Have faith! Faith is like a shield that protects your joy, while doubt leaves you vulnerably open to stress and anxiety. Trusting God keeps your heart light and your joy intact!
- Be friendly! Unfriendly people are often the saddest ones. Sometimes, you “WiFi” joy from your friends—just being around them lifts your mood. But if you don’t want to be friendly, who will you “connect” to on the days you need a little extra joy?
- Be content. Contentment is such a healthy emotional space to be in. The moment you start comparing yourself to others, you are on your way to depression level 1! Don’t be a complainer, always murmuring and finding reasons to discourage yourself. And trust me, complaining and murmuring will only drain you. Choose gratitude instead—it keeps your joy fresh!
Now, are you ready to praise Him? It’s funny how some people only dance for Jesus during HC, then go right back to their sad shell afterward. But guess what? Your HC is every day! It’s not just an event, it’s a state of mind.
Here are two song suggestions to get you going this Worship Wednesday! And remember, you choose your mood. So, what’s your choice today?
See you tomorrow for our Special Edition Thursday! YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS IT
2 replies on “Worship Wednesday”
Thank you for this! I embrace joy today. ❤️
Thank you for this it means a lot ❤️❤️🥹