The Yielded Believer

Happy New Year !!

Compliments of the new season my thoroughly loved Yielded Family. It feels so good to be back here- and not just that but stepping into a brand-new year filled with divine possibilities. I don’t know about you, but there’s a distinct stirring in my spirit about 2025. This is not just another year; this is THAT year. The year when many will finally sit at the table prepared for them in the presence of their enemies [Ps23:5]. The year when the long, seemingly endless wait will suddenly make sense as we realize we’ve been gaining divine speed all along, just like how Elijah outran the chariots of Ahab. [1Kings18:46].

Now, l know what you might be thinking, ” It’s just New Year’s optimism, we say these things every January.” But if you’ve tuned into the frequency of the Spirit, you can feel it too. You don’t need to be hyped up, you know what you know. The promises spoken over us for many years are on the verge of manifestation, and this year carries a tangible sense of breakthrough.

So, let’s step into the year with faith, ALIGNMENT, and bold expectancy. Get ready to feast in the presence of those who mocked you, laughed at you, and thought you’d never become anything. I know people who have been waiting for years, Abraham and Sarah did too. The mystery about waiting is that while we wait, we no longer need to rely on our feet, we grow supernatural wings and fly. This means, in the spirit, waiting is speed.

Anyhoooo, l have exciting news to share with you! Tomorrow, The Yielded Blog center turns ONE! Andddd within this year we have given birth to two other babies. Be sure to be here tomorrow, let’s reflect on this journey together. Tomorrow is a birthday/baby shower lol! I really hope you have told all your friends that this year we are reading Yielded Blogs whether they’re in Tokyo, Thorngrove or Thembisa, send them the links!

So, join us bright and early tomorrow because we are having a Yielded HOLY bash! I will show up kingdom time because we all know every African suffers from African time syndrome.

Love you loads! Happy 2025 Yielded People!!!

The Overcoming Believer

It’s A Wrap – 2024

the yielded center in 2024 ..

Positive growth.

Wow! I cannot believe we are still here. Almost a year old. It was around about this time last year when the Lord told me to start blogging. I had failed so much as a writer that l felt anxious and very reluctant to go ahead. I don’t know if it has happened to you too. The fear of failure because you have failed before. I finally started blogging on the 9th of January 2024! The first blog was titled ‘Let’s get started’.

Beloved, l had no idea how hectic it would be for me to show up here consistently but from that first blog to date, we have published 224 posts and 23 drafts [ yeah lots of trial and failure]. I would’ve loved to share the statistics today but let’s wait for the 9th and celebrate our first year together.

How has Yielded helped you in 2024? Which blog was your favorite? Kindly share on the comment section below. Personally, l grew so muchhhh. Growth in the Word, in consistency, in my writing AND l discovered part of my purpose. It’s amazing how obedience to an instruction can lead you to alignment. It was through Yielded that l pursued my career as a counsellor. Family, obey and it will blow your mind, the things that God will do through you.

I am eternally grateful for your support and love. By God’s grace we will have a better 2025 because the path of the righteous shines brighter and brighter! Soooooo, this is our last post for 2024. l need to take some time to retreat and reflect so that l can come back stronger and wiser in the coming year.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year!!!

Numbers 6:24-26

2“The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord [a]lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

Thank you for being you. I love you. Here is a Yielded Tv Christmas story

Click to Watch

SEE YOU IN 2025!

The Overcoming Believer

Reflection Friday

Your reflection is what you see in the mirror. I saw mine in the mirror this morning and I WAS NOT PLEASED. I was like “Oh no you need a wash!” Lol. We are all well able to see when our hair is messy, so we brush it. I know people who carry a hairbrush in their bags. Well, l am people. I know some who carry a portable mirror, and they check themselves out all throughout the day to see if anything needs fixing. For women who love makeup there’s a particular sponge or brush that we cannot leave behind. All these things are an effort to either fix or maintain an appearance.

The bible says that’s what we ought to do with our inner man. You have to keep checking through the mirror of the word of God to see if anything needs fixing. This means you actually have to READ YOUR BIBLE. One of the things we will introduce on Yielded in 2025 is a Bible reading plan. Many believers do not read scripture, and it is evident in the characteristics that aren’t changing, the speech, and many other things. How will we know how to behave if we do not search the scriptures? Reflection is so important because it gives us the opportunity to be honest with ourselves. People will always perceive you based on what you are presenting. If its messy hair, then … Don’t say it doesn’t matter.

Many people hate confrontation. Anyone who points out their mistakes is an enemy even if it’s meant to edify. What we do when we stand before the mirror daily is confronting ourselves. Facing what does not look like our desired look. How come you don’t hate your mirror at home, but you hate a friend who tells you to fix one or two things? Not wanting to hear any sermon that brings correction, only the ones that say God loves you, amen. We are closing the year; it is the best time to reflect on both the good and bad. Congratulate yourself on the good. It is very important to see yourself, to validate yourself as well as to celebrate yourself.

Lastly, the insights developed, and the lessons learned will prompt you to make improvements. Your 2025 is so dependent on the results of your reflection time. You may also take a retreat and strategically plan your 2025 sober mindedly. I pray that you will have the courage to face yourself and the humility to allow God work on you until you become.

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 1 Corinthians3;18 KJV

The Overcoming Believer

Chilled Thursday

Hey family. Do you have your Christmas clothes yet? We are literally 5 days away and your sister still doesn’t even have a cap. Even a vest. I’m saying, even a shoelace to say aii maybe the shoe is coming. Nothing LOL. Growing up, my family used to be biggggg on Christmas and New Year’s Day. You would get a full outfit from underwear to shoe, l promise you. Stylish fashon. Every child had two outfits and mind you, we couldn’t wear them until the day finally arrives. So, you can imagine the anticipation. You would just keep going to check if the clothes are still in the wardrobe, still fresh. I didn’t know that one day it would be my responsibility to buy them for myself. Yho Santaaaaaa if l meet you once like thisss …….. l will dye your beard blue.

Anyhooooo, its chilled Thursday. I am literally chilled today. I want to watch a movie. I love animations because now everything else aii they kiss after every five seconds. I must protect my prophetic eagle dimensional eyes. Ooh shall we do Yielded men’s edition in January? I’m excited.

Ok, let me suggest a movie. Click the link below to watch

The Overcoming Believer

Worship Wednesday

Itsssssssssssss Wednesdayyyy! I love Wednesdays. Ok l love Sundays too. And Mondays. I love being alive AND WELL. The past couple of days l haven’t been feeling well so l am very grateful for restored health. You know, life is such a gift. So very precious. I am sure many of you have seen or watched the video of the gruesome murder of the young lady from South Africa. Not to sound like the newspaper but maaaaaaan that was more than evil. It got me to think deeply about life. Life is precious guys. What’s more, the importance of having a godly community around you.

While we may look at the 2024 vision boards and maybe 6/12 prayer points are still pending, while we murmur and complain about manna, while we fuss day and night talking about ‘Lord when?’ darling, we are actually ALIVE! When l opened my Instagram this morning and saw that man with blood all over his body, someone’s blood, it pierced my heart so much. It literally changed my day. I realized that the word of God is such a need in our communities. The same way people need water and electricity. A desperate neeeeeeed. There are arrows that fly by day. There is pestilence that stalks in darkness. Eiii Read your Psalm 91 and see just how God shields us daily.

I am grateful for you. Yes you. Honestly, we have so many reasons to give thanks. It takes nine months to give birth to a child, that’s the normal span but death is cheap. Give thanks. You that has even stopped talking to God because you are upset about money, or a man, or a job , my dhiye if l katch you! And this is to remind believers, do not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever. Let me take it a step further by saying, do not enter into any relationship without the approval of God. You might be single right now and well excited to marry but hear God first, okay? Pray about it all. Listen, no matter how good the person looks. Tall even with bass zero voice, pray. Even if the lady has the most coca cola body that has ever coca cola’d, pray. Let the God who has seen the future decide for you. It’s craaaaazy out here!!!

Listen to this clip below and then find a song to give praise to the Lord. Remember on Wednesdays we show David that even ussss! Even me o!


God loves you.