The Yielded Believer

Borrowed dreams [2]

Hey Family,

Welcome to a brand-new week! May this be the week you step boldly into pursuing that God-given dream. May it be the week you find the courage to become the best version of yourself. I am always praying for you, praying that you continue to yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit. My dear yielded people, know that you are loved deeply. Let’s make this week extraordinary!

Borrowed Dreams. Last week, we touched on the idea of borrowed dreams and how we sometimes adopt other people’s dreams and try to make them our own. Often, it is because we are afraid to face the reality of our own lives, so we copy and paste someone else’s path, hoping to achieve the same results they are getting. But in doing so, we forget one critical truth: we are all uniquely gifted, with distinct callings and purposes.

So ,

Whose dream have you borrowed?

Whose life are you living or trying to live?

Whose purpose are you following?

Whose life are you mimicking?

Borrowed dreams are like wearing a mask and you’ve hidden your true self behind a face that doesn’t belong to you. The good news is, you can take the mask off and reclaim your identity. However, the challenging part is that those who have only ever known the masked version of you may struggle to recognise the real you.We often borrow other people’s dreams when we don’t think much of ourselves. In truth, borrowed dreams are often a sign of low self-esteem.

So, what is low self-esteem?

Low self-esteem is a negative perception of oneself. It’s when you feel inadequate, unworthy, or incapable. It manifests in self-doubt, comparing yourself to others, and the inability to see your God-given value and purpose. It often leads to mimicking others because you don’t believe your own path is good enough. The antidote? Begin to see yourself through God’s eyes as fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), loved beyond measure, and equipped with unique gifts and a purpose that no one else can fulfil.

While some people borrow dreams by simply copying and pasting, others do so by assuming that what worked for someone else will automatically work for them.When I ventured into biblical counselling, many people approached me to learn how I did it. I was happy to share, but I always emphasized the importance of discerning whether they were truly called to it. Just because it seems like a good career doesn’t mean it’s s your God-ordained path.

This same mindset is why we see so many counterfeit churches today. Someone observes a successful ministry, like that of Apostle Felix, and assumes, that if he can do it, so can I.They forget that God’s s call is not a one-size-fits-all approach.Think about it: how many faces are there on earth? Can you use my passport to travel? Of course not. If you try, you will be arrested for impersonation and identity theft. Similarly, when you attempt to live someone else’s s life or purpose, you are stepping out of alignment with your own identity and calling.

It’s crucial to take time to discover what you can and cannot do. Knowing your strengths, gifts, and limitations is a vital guide to understanding your God-given purpose. Only then can you walk authentically and confidently in the path prepared just for you. You can’t be everything. It means you have failed to be one thing, which is yourself.
In families, it’s not uncommon for people to try to impose their dreams on you. For example, if an uncle wanted to be a pilot but didn’t t succeed, he might insist, “Go and become a pilot.” But have they checked that dream with God? Likely not. Instead, they’re handing you their unfulfilled dream, hoping to live it out through you.

While advice and career guidance can be helpful, the most important step is seeking God’s direction for your life. Only He knows the plans He has for you (Jeremiah 29:11) and the unique purpose He created you to fulfil. So, let me ask you: do you have a dream? Your own dreamnot a copy, paste, or photocopy of someone else’s aspirations. Not something you borrowed because you don’t believe in yourself.

If not, take the time to identify it today. Seek God’s guidance and trust Him to reveal the vision He has for you. You were created for a purpose, and your own dreams are rooted in His plan – is waiting to be discovered.

Tomorrow we will discuss how people borrow your dream without you knowing. For now, take the mask off and return the borrowed dream. ❤️

The Yielded Believer

Reflection Friday

It also isn’t always ugly either.

Happy Friday my Yielded people! I am so grateful to the Lord today because I am healed! I had quite a week but God has healed me and restored my health.

How’re you?

How’s your heart? How’s your mind? I know you just read through quickly but pause for a moment and answer the questions. How’s life lately? You know, sometimes we avoid answering because we hate confrontation but it is necessary to come face to face with these things so that we can find a way forward.

I’ve realised that many of us have never been truly validated in how we feel, and because of that, we tend to shy away from expressing our emotions. Maybe no one ever said to you, “I’m proud of you,” or “You’ve done well.” Perhaps you’ve never heard the words “I love you” spoken genuinely, with no strings attached. As a result, your natural response to such words might be,

I’m sure you don’t really mean that.”

We’ve carried this mentality for the 20-plus years we’ve lived—or however old you are—and because it’s been with us for so long, we start to believe it’s right. But the length of time spent believing something wrong doesn’t make it right. Being abused for 5 years doesn’t make abuse a good thing. In the same way, you can’t hold on to a mindset of negativity forever because guess what? It can be changed. Mindsets can shift, but only if you’re willing to let them.

Anyway, it’s Reflection Friday, and I’ve got an exercise I want us to do together. But before we dive into that, I need a quick favor. Help me out by sharing my counseling links with your friends! Tell them, “Hey, no need to commit suicide, put the rat poison away. It’s called rat poison because it’s for rats and you’re not one. I know a Christian counsellor.” Seriously though, let them know they can find hope and healing.

Here’s the link below—share it like you’re spreading gossip (the good kind)! Oh, and kindly remind them to read the service info carefully before booking. Let’s save lives , one session at a time!

Counselling Slots

Here’s today’s exercise. Remember, this is entirely for YOU. Choosing not to do it is also your decision. But sometimes, you are the best person to speak to yourself. Take some time and complete this exercise with your whole heart.

“May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.”
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭6‬:‭25‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Yielded Believer

Chilled Thursday

Hey family!

I trust we’re all doing well! I’m resting, lol—I knew I needed to because my body was doing the most. I’ve learned it’s foolish not to rest because even God Himself rested. Who sets a better standard than God? Sleep when you need to. Put away that laptop; you don’t need it at 3 a.m. Don’t harm your body in the name of “I’m a hard worker.” Yesterday, my best friend said, “Your body is a temple, and you need it for territorial influence.”

While the concept of work is of God, since creation, Adam was created and given an assignment to tend to (work on) the garden, rest is also very important. Toil is work under a curse and I believe many of us are toiling and we think it’s wise to do so. “I have to, I have bills to pay.” Yes, but you need your body to operate on earth. Spirits don’t go to work at FNB or wherever you work. Once you die, you’re illegal on earth. Even if you’re a soul winner, even if you’re a pastor, if your body is overworked it’ll be overwhelmed and it’ll eventually report it to you and if you ignore it, it will leave the scene. Your body can abandon you.

BTW, this blog is not for those who rest more than they work. Your body is also begging you to get busy with studies or some work. I’m addressing those who don’t even take a few mins to sleep because they want to be busy bodies. Please get it from me on this very lovely Thursday or you will learn the hard way. What happened to me these past couple of days ehnn? I kept telling myself “I will do better.” Today I’m soooo tempted to just do 3 things that I know will take up most of my day BUT guess what, I’m chilling. I’m laying down , reading my bible because my dhiyeeee, I can’t keeee myself.

This is a good time to meditate on your dreams. What have l done since the year begun? What are my next steps? Start dreaming again. Think of how far you wanna go, design your company in your head, sometimes fantasising triggers the creative part of our minds . It doesn’t cost anything to think. That’s all I’m doing today. Studying the word and thinking. Everything else? No. Wisdom says I can do all things but I can’t do all of them in one day. Work well under pressure but if it’s like that daily? You’re slaving away. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Here’s a book you can read today ;

The Yielded Believer

Borrowed Dreams

Ever thought because someone is doing it you can do it too?

A lot of us aren’t getting anywhere in life because we’re out here chasing a borrowed dream. We pursue dreams that aren’t even ours to begin with! Borrowed dreams are like hand-me-down clothes: they don’t quite fit, and you’re constantly tugging at the edges trying to make them work. You try to iron 5 times thinking at some point it’ll look good on you but you look like SpongeBob.

Picture this: your best friend is doing well as an actress. Meanwhile, your true calling is music, but instead of hitting high notes, you’re out here fumbling lines in auditions and wondering why Hollywood isn’t calling. Only Bollywood will call. Spoiler alert: it’s because you’re chasing someone else’s script!

This is how people end up in careers that feel like wearing shoes two sizes too small. Just because your neighbour is thriving as a baker doesn’t mean you need to burn down your kitchen trying to bake scones. We’re all wired differently for a reason! God didn’t make you you so you could copy-paste someone else’s life. My niece lovesssss to cook and she makes the best meals in the world, I’m called to do something different. If you swap us and put me in that chef situation I will embarrass myself , if she tries to do what I do, it will show that it’s not her gifting.

Honestly, one big reason life feels so hard sometimes is because we’re out here playing knockoff versions of other people instead of living our original design. Trust me, your purpose fits way better than someone else’s hand-me-down dreams. I’m reminded of Pharaoh, who had the audacity to demand people recite his dream. Imagine that—he dreamt it, but now he’s out here expecting everyone else to remember what he forgot! Pharaoh didn’t just dream the dream; he wanted to kill other people for not magically recalling it. Essentially, he was forcing people to borrow his dream and make sense of it for him.

This reminds me of how some people today operate. They push others into doing things they don’t want to do. It’s one thing to give advice or encouragement, but it’s another to bully someone into following what you think is best for their life. Pharaoh wanted people to see the world through his eyes, to step into his dream and make it work—on his terms.

The truth is, some people will try to use you to revive their dreams. They’ll hand it over to you, expect you to fix it, carry it for a season, and then hand it back. But remember: you weren’t called to live someone else’s dream. You can help, you can support, but you were created for your own purpose—not to resuscitate someone else’s forgotten vision.

You can’t be everything! Some people are graced for comedy, but if you try, not even a cockroach will laugh. Like on Idols—some can’t sing but think they can because their cousin can.

Beloved, stay in your lane. Jeremiah 29:11 says God has a plan specifically for you. Walk in it and leave the rest to those called for it!

The Yielded Believer

Dreams to Possibilities[1]

Happy New Week Family!🌸

when I grow up, I want to be a nurse.” No, wait—“When I grow up, I want to be a teacher.” Actually, scratch that—“When I grow up, I want to be a lawyer!” That was us, wasn’t it? Back in primary school, high school, and every moment in between, dreaming big dreams like the world was one giant career fair.

And let’s not forget those English compositions we all wrote: “When I Grow Up.” I bet some of us had ten careers lined up in one essay. “I’ll be a singer… and an actor… but also a doctor. Oh, and a judge on the weekends!” The dream buffet was open, and we were just loading up our plates.

Fast forward to today—some of those dreams have shifted, grown, or even been forgotten. But you know what? The dreams God placed in your heart are still there, waiting. This series is about rediscovering them, chasing them, and walking boldly into the future He has for you. You, me, and the Holy Spirit—we’re in this together. Let’s do this!

So Yielded Family, what is a dream? A dream is a vision, hope, or aspiration that lives in your heart and mind, often inspired by your deepest desires, passions, or purpose. It’s that picture of the future that excites you, motivates you, and makes you feel alive. Dreams can be as simple as achieving a small goal or as grand as changing the world. I know mine are always grand 😂 I really stretch it!

From a Christian perspective, dreams often align with God’s purpose for our lives. They’re not just random wishes; they can be divine seeds planted by the Holy Spirit, pointing us toward the plans God has prepared for us. As Proverbs 16:9 says, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” I love writing so l have lots of diaries full of dreams. Some of which were not my purpose and not in my path of life. I really hope that this series helps those who have disconnected to reconnect with those visions.

When we know where we’re going we feel more alive. I don’t know any confused “happy” person. As the men of God have taught us, speed in the wrong direction often leads to destruction. How can we move in the right direction? We start by defining who we are. 

So who are you? 

Dreams are both a challenge and a gift—they push us to grow, trust, and take action. Whether it’s a career, a calling, or a personal milestone, a dream is your heart’s way of saying, “There’s more.”

Let’s start by looking within. Who is this person that is reading this? What’s your name?