The Yielded Believer

Exchanged Dreams

Happy new week, family. 🌼

Last week, we explored the story of the two prostitutes caught in a dispute over a baby. I’d like us to continue from there. The Bible presents this account in a way that even the simplest mind can grasp, yet its message carries profound spiritual truth. Dream theft and exchange are very real. If you think otherwise, it may be time to wake up from slumber.

There are those who, having destroyed their own dreams, seek to steal from others. Have you ever heard of someone who ruined their own marriage, only to go after another person’s husband?

Eh, let me tool.

Actually, I won’t stay silent—let’s talk about it. You mismanage your business, then turn around and steal someone else’s clients. You sabotage your own career and reputation, then go after another person’s because you refuse to face the consequences of your actions.

The woman in this story was careless with her baby—she rolled over the child in her sleep. This means she was slumbering on the job, neglecting her role as a mother. She forgot the weight of her new responsibility, failed to remain vigilant, and never checked on what she had birthed. When she finally woke up and realized what had happened, she didn’t grieve or take accountability. Instead, she sought a substitute and took it. And what was the substitute? Someone else’s baby. May no one ever use your dream as a substitute! 

She never cared about how the other woman would feel. If you think people care after stealing from you, you’re mistaken. She was so determined to claim what wasn’t hers that she even went to court to fight for it—knowing full well she was lying!

“Then the other woman said, ‘No! The living one is my son; the dead one is yours.’ But the first one insisted, ‘No! The dead one is yours; the living one is mine.’ And so they argued before the king.” (1 Kings 3:22)

She knew she was in the wrong, yet she still tried to manipulate the system to gain possession of what did not belong to her. To what extent will the enemy go to steal what is yours? Any extent! Don’t assume that just because you confront him, he will back down—he is relentless, stubborn, and highly manipulative. It takes the King to see the truth and declare judgment!

Let’s continue tomorrow as we dive into how to guard our dreams. We will explore what the other woman could have done to protect her baby and how we, too, can safeguard what God has entrusted to us. I hope this series has blessed you as much as it has blessed me. I love you, and I pray you have a great week ahead! 🌸🌸🌸

The Yielded Believer

Reflection Friday

Greetings bredreeeeeennnnn! You have come to the end of the week and it’s time to reflect. Today’s blog will not be long, I just want us to look at how we spent our emotions this week. Emotions are spent. Every time you pour love into someone, everything you react to, everything that pulls out emotions out of you, is something that can make or break you. Actually, the type of emotion you show reveals the condition of your heart. For example, if you suddenly break down and cry, a normal person will assume that you’re heartbroken.

Not everything requires a reaction from you. I learned that somethings need you to chill out. I’m not talking about nonchalant people. Guard your emotions in a way that not everything makes you upset, not everyone makes you fall in love, not every thing makes you respond and react. Many of us react to almost everything and that’s why we never have emotional stability. There’s always so much noise in your heart. This makes life very difficult because life flows from the condition of your heart.

How did you spend your emotions this week? Would you repeat the same thing next week? Or do you want to change a couple of things? Remember, you have the power to control your emotions by marrying emotional intelligence with logic. Sometimes you walk away and say NOTHING. Sometimes you respond and say something but NOT IMPULSIVELY. Don’t hold back laughter but hold back anger. Don’t hold back your smile, hold back the bitterness. And yes, sometimes you don’t have to hold back the tears , you should just be careful who you cry before.

Your emotional tank leaks each time you allow a sharp object close to it. 🌸

Sending you hugs. Have a great weekend! ❤️

The Yielded Believer

Chilled Thursday

Happy Thursday, everyone!

I am especially excited this week because we have new readers from Japan! When I saw that, I was in awe what a reminder of the power of the internet. It got me thinking about how a simple dream can become a reality when we have the courage to act on it.

All I do is share the link on my WhatsApp and occasionally on Instagram and yet, through your reposts and support, the Yielded Center has grown. You all believe in this vision, and that means so much. You are truly special! January is officially over can you believe how fast time is flying? Feels like we just posted ,”Happy New Year!” and now, February is here. Time really doesn’t wait for anyone, so we better keep up!

And speaking of February – the 14th is around the corner. Just put on your best red outfit and pray because honestly, what else can you do? LOL! Last year, you just wore red and ate chocolates, that’s the problem. This year, wear red, fast, and then pray. Who knows? Maybe next year, you’ll have a different testimony! We need to announce a Yielded Center wedding at some point so, all of you reading from around the world, February 14th we are travailing in prayer. And for those of you who are already married well, it is what it is. Just get the chocolates, I guess. We’re praying for you!

If you are single and in Johannesburg, here’s an event for you.

If you are married and in Johannesburg, show up for this one!

Show up! Here’s a movie for chilled Thursday,


Yha I’ve plugged you, bye! Love you guys! 🌸

The Yielded Believer

Worship Wednesday


Good morning, beautiful family!

It’s Worship Wednesday, and today, let’s take a moment to reflect on what true worship means. One of the most important things to understand about worship is that we must be conscious of God’s presence. Worship isn’t just about singing or lifting our hands it’s about acknowledging that He is here and surrendering our hearts fully to Him.

As you go through today, take time to worship with intention. Pause, breathe, and recognize that God is with you, in every moment, in every space. Worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24), knowing that His presence surrounds you.

I will share a little secret about myself. I love to dance for the Lord in my room. I shut the door and sometimes with tears in my eyes and I say “You disappointment, I will dance you out of my life today. I will dance myself into joy.” That’s how I somehow stay afloat in the midst of the fire. Don’t sit and wait for someone to come with inspiration because sometimes people are also unavailable. But if you have a room you can shut yourself in and begin to pour the oil. Fill your jars!

Many people know how to pray but they don’t know how to worship. We know all the prayers points to fight the devil but in worship we become statues as if we are before a foreign God. Today is a day specially dedicated to praise and worship. Heaven must hear your own sound today! I have a couple of song suggestions , my playlist is fire mos! I will hotspot you lol! REMEMBER to be conscious of His presence. The presence of God is too precious , make the most of it! See you tomorrow!❤️


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The Yielded Believer

Stolen dreams

“Three days later this woman also had a baby. We were alone; there were only two of us in the house. “But her baby died during the night when she rolled over on it. Then she got up in the night and took my son from beside me while I was asleep. She laid her dead child in my arms and took mine to sleep beside her.”
‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭3‬:‭18‬-‭20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Ever heard of stolen dreams? It’s right there in the Bible. Two women had babies, but one woman, through carelessness, suffocated her own child. Yes, people often squeeze the life out of their own dreams. They mismanage their businesses, destroy their marriages, or kill their ministries. And when the consequences catch up with them, they turn to steal someone else’s dream to console themselves. The Bible says this woman lay on top of her child, and the child died. But instead of facing the consequences of her actions, she looked to the side, saw someone else with a similar dream, and stole it pretending like nothing ever happened.

Let’s take a moment to look at how people can steal your dreams. Do you think everyone around you genuinely wants to see you succeed? Think again. Some are fine with your success, until they lose what’s in their hands. Then, they come for yours. The issue is, “l don’t want to be the one without. I’d rather steal.” This is why you must be careful about who you allow into your circle. You could be sharing your space, your plans, or even your life with someone who’s actually a thief in disguise.

Why are we often encouraged to keep quiet about our goals and dreams? Because their magnitude can provoke envy or jealousy. The truth is, everyone has a dream, but not everyone’s dream is alive. In the story, both women had children, but one child was dead. A dead child cannot grow, cannot be nursed, and cannot be nurtured. What do you do with a dead child? You bury it. But this woman refused to be the one with a buried dream. Instead, she decided to take the living child and give her dead dream to someone else.

By the way, this wasn’t a negotiated or discussed transaction , it was outright theft. And do you think they’ll discuss it with you when they come for your dream? No, my dhiyeeee. They steal. They swap. They cover it up. Look at when this happened – at night. This tells us there was a time when the other woman was asleep, completely relaxed and unaware of what was happening around her. Because of that, she couldn’t defend her dream or protect her child. What is the enemy waiting for? A moment when you’re less guarded. A time when you are asleep. The Bible says, “While men slept, the enemy came and …” He waits for the moment when you are chilled, thinking, “Wow, everything is going well; let me rest.” And while you pull up the sheets, someone else is getting ready to grab what’s yours.

Some of you are living with a dead dream today because, in your unguarded moment, yours was stolen. You woke up with something that wasn’t yours, but you didn’t notice. You need to guard your dreams. You got married, and now you’re relaxed? You’ve stopped praying because you think everything is fine? My dear, your dream, your baby is only safe because someone hasn’t yet decided to come and take it. Or maybe they have, they are just waiting for the night. I’m not wishing anything bad on you, but I am warning you of what could happen if you sleep. You snooze, you actually lose.

You have a child, but you don’t pray over them? All you do is feed them and send them to school, yet you fail to teach them the Bible or how to pray? Do you realize there are satanists in schools? If you’re not vigilant, you will lose your dream.You got a job, and now you don’t tithe anymore because life seems good? You don’t realise how big the hands getting ready to snatch what is yours are. The problem with believers is that after the blessing, they slumber. They chill, take a rest, and stop being watchful. But that is the time to be most vigilant! Let’s continue with this topic and believe for justice. You must get your dream back!

Enjoy the rest of your day. Remember, guard your dreams. 🌸